Tea Time No.003

Another Tea Time for your daily dose of Danyell! I hope you're enjoying these glimpses into my personal life. It's a blast flipping through my journal every week, recollecting on what happened, and gathering all of my Instagram images for the week. This week I got an official notice from my IU Advisor letting me know that I am OFFICIALLY graduating this coming May!! Eek.

Grrr, the beginning of the week. Today was especially sluggish for me. How was it for you? I found myself scouring the internet finding things to distract myself with instead of studying for finals. I'm currently obsessed with all of these Vlogmas videos on YouTube--sunbeamsjess is my fav!!

I spilled my heart out in my journal today about how I just haven't been feeling very productive lately. This happens from time to time, and its completely normal, but making myself aware of my laziness can really help pull me out of my funk. I put my "Blogger Burnout" article to use!

Today was a productive day for me (back at it!!). I met with TDC, and we talked about some amazing things. I'm pumped for the upcoming year with this awesome team--check them out!!

I also got another migraine today. But I made note of all of my symptoms, wrote down everything that I ate that day, and now feel confident that I can start figuring out what's making my body go haywire. If you've never had a migraine before, then its hard to describe, but it can be awfully scary.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my little sisters :D She's officially an adult. I gave her a call and FaceTimed with some of her friends. I had a blast catching up, and I realize that I should really really just call my family more. This has been a goal of mine for months now... will I ever be able to achieve it??

Just rocked that test I had today. Now I am officially finished with my last fall semester in college ever (besides a few dreaded finals next Thursday). Can you believe I'm gonna be a full-fledged grown up soon? Is this even real life??

Did you see the new series I started on my blog? Blogging has changed my life so much, and I know its affected so many other people out there too, so with this new series I'll be featuring other bloggers! They will be talking about their journey, their goals, and how blogging has made an impact in their life. Check out this week's feature, WayfaringRachel!!

P.S. All of the images used in this post are from my Instagram account.


Meet Rachel | Blogger Series

Blogging changed my life in that it changed my career path, my ideas about the world, and who I am right this moment. Blogging has brought about a whole new person in me, and I absolutely love who I've become. So many other people have been positively influenced by blogging and living in this online world. This new series will introduce you to some of my friends I've met in this huge blogging community! I hope you enjoy meeting every single one of them.

Meet Rachel!

First off, tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog.

I’m a twenty-something blogger in Chicago, living with my boyfriend and our rescue dog. Wayfaring Rachel is a place for people who are constantly pursuing a new “destination” - whether that means the best restaurant in their neighborhood, a way to travel a new country, fashion for their adventures, or health/fitness advice for busy lives.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I’ve always had a nomadic life, with all the ups and downs that come with it. I’m attracted to new places and experiences, but all that moving around can come with hurdles. I wanted to create a space to inspire people to explore the world around them, and to help them do it. For example, I always struggled with traveling and then coming home even more stressed out, so I made this guide to plane productivity - even if you’re without Wi-Fi!

What tips do you have for crazy busy bloggers who want to get involved in Yoga?

Absolutely! I did a post on free yoga videos that range from 10 minutes to a full hour - I always keep these bookmarked so I can do them in a hotel, at the airport (several have yoga rooms now!), or anywhere else I can find.

How did you got where you are?

Connection and exploration are the secret sauce for any venture, I think. You have to know what you value, who you are and who you want to be, and have a genuine interest in building relationships with other people. Yoga has been a really transformative practice for me, enabling me to strip away any noise and focus on building a life I love.

In what ways do you connect with other bloggers?

I met Maxie McCoy at the Create & Cultivate conference in Chicago, and she is a constant source of inspiration. I never delete her emails - that’s the truest definition of blogger love I can think of. I’ve also met wonderful people through Windy City Blogger Collective and would advise all bloggers to search for a similar local group.

What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

I want to connect with fellow wanderlust victims, show off some amazing places, and inspire other people to explore - even if that just means seeing their own city with new eyes.

How has blogging changed your life?

Blogging has enabled me to meet some amazing people (hi!) and travel to places that have changed the way I view the world. I learn so much with every new connection, destination, success, and failure, so I can’t wait to see where blogging takes me in the future.

I want to give a BIG thank you to Rachel for blogging here today! I hope she has been an inspiration for all of you bloggers (new and old). Please don't forget to check out her blog and let her know that you found her via Danyell Bailey's Blog--I'm sure she'd love that!

Also, if you are interested in being featured in my next Blogger Series, please feel free to email me ASAP!


HTML: A beginner's cheat sheet [As Seen On: IT Training Tips]

Any web page that you might visit using a web browser is almost always just some sort of coded document. There are multiple types of different coding languages that all function slightly different and are for different purposes. Most commonly though, any website you encounter will be written in Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML for short.

No matter what level of web development you intend to pursue, learning HTML is essential in order to effectively get the job done. Learning HTML is the first step for any sort of web development whether you are creating a website for Indiana University or creating a site for yourself.

A computer doesn’t know words, paragraphs, headings, etc. so you have to tell it what is what. That’s where HTML comes in. As humans, we can discern structure by context and content. We are capable of determining when a block of text is a list, a quote, or even a poem. But, computers cannot do this by themselves. To a computer, everything is just an arbitrary string of letters, numbers, and other symbolic characters.

In order to inform any computer of the meaning behind the generic text that we give it, we use markup. Markup is like tagging or labeling–it adds structure to long text, so that a computer can make sense of it. The tags we use in HTML help us categorize the information from any passage of text, so the computer can then recognize items that are in that same category. HTML allows us to define the meaning and structure of the otherwise arbitrary blocks of text in a document.

Below is a beginner’s guide of HTML codes that you can use to help get you started. While this guide can be helpful, keep in mind that IT Training offers instructor led and self paced training of HTML that might assist you at a higher level. These courses are offered online or in the classroom!

Text Formatting


The paragraph element is perhaps the most common element found on the web today. This element fits under the loosely-defined category of “structural markup” and is a block-level element.

<p>Your paragraph here.</p>


Like paragraphs elements, heading elements are block-level elements that will help us convert some of our text into structure for our document. However, unlike paragraphs, there are different kinds of headings, or more specifically, different levels of headings.

<h1>Your page/site title here</h1>
<h2>Your main sections here</h2>
<h3> Your sub-sections here</h3>

Bold Text

This makes the weight of your font bold.

<b>Your bold text.</b>

Italic Text

This makes your text italicized.

<i>Your italic text.</i>

Underlined Text

Underlines your text.

<u>Your underlined text. </u>


Places a line through your text to strike it out.

<s>Your crossed out text here.</s>


Lists create structural blocks, much like headings and paragraphs, but the syntax for creating lists is slightly more complicated. Not only do we have to specify the boundaries of the entire lists, but we also have to identify individual items in the list. There are two common types of lists: ordered lists (numbers, letters, etc.) and unordered lists (bullets).

<li>Ordered list item 1</li>
<li>Ordered list item 2</li>
<li>Ordered list item 3</li>

<li>Unordered list item 1</li>
<li>Unordered list item 2</li>
<li>Unordered list item 3</li>


Attributes do not supply any additional content to an element, but instead, they modify the markup itself. Attributes are inserted directly into the opening tag, but do not appear in any form in the closing tag. The attribute name is always followed by an equal sign, and then the value of the attribute in the double quotes.

This is an example:
<tag attr="value" attr2="value2">Content</tag>

Aligning Elements

You can align your headings and paragraphs using an attribute of in-line CSS.

<h1 style="text-align:center;">Your aligned heading</h1>
<h1 style="text-align:left;">Your aligned heading</h1>
<h1 style="text-align:right;">Your aligned heading</h1>
<h1 style="text-align:justified;">Your aligned heading</h1>


You can create hyperlinks that allow you to jump from one web page to another by using the anchor element and attaching the hypertext reference attribute.

<a href="http://yourlink.com">Your text here.</a>

Empty Elements

Most elements must have an opening tag and a closing tag, which surround the content they are modifying. However, there are some elements that are not permitted to have content.

This is an example:
<empty />

Line Breaks

This is like hitting the enter key–it puts your content on a new line.

<br />


To include an image on your webpage you will need to have the image uploaded somewhere online. Then, simply use the link to reference the image with the src attribute and the alt attribute to describe your image for screen readers and search engines.

<img src="http://yourimageline.com" alt="describe this image" />


100 Blog Post Ideas

When you've been blogging for a very long time, content can become hard to curate. Or maybe you're a brand new blogger and are trying to figure out your voice and need more content to generate your thoughts. There are tons of things that you could write about that maybe you never even thought of.

Remember though, more content does not make you a better blogger. No matter the content that you are creating, make sure that it is amazing content that will make you shine. I always like to imagine that I am sharing all of my posts with my high school english teacher--if she likes it, I know the rest of the world will.

Evergreen Content.

This is the type of content that can get shared forever and ever. It is always relevant and rarely ever needs any upkeep. This is my favorite type of content to write because it insures that my blog and site can live forever--or close enough to it.

Regular Features.

These are the types of posts that you do on the reg. For example, my goals posts that happen every month. Or maybe you do a weekly series like my Tea Time posts. Either way, this is the type of content that keeps bringing your current readers back to your blog week after week and month after month.

Epic Posts.

I don't often curate content of this type, but some people can find a lot of success in writing short and witty articles. Epic posts are often high-quality humor articles that may contain funny images, trendy topics, or loads of gifs. I love reading type of posts (often times you can find amazing Buzzfeed articles in this style).


There is a difference between a series and a regular feature. Series are often only a few weeks long, rather than a full-on lifetime worth of posts. They are often related to the same topic and can be linked together to create a large article or story.

100 Post Ideas

Ho-To articles
Life Lessons
Case Studies
Definition posts
Resource Sharing
Expert Roundtables
Problem Solving
Behind-the-Scenes posts
Guest posts
Cheat Sheets
Personal Quizzes
Best of __
Top __
Customer Showcase
Meet the Team
Pin Roundups
Revamped posts
Inspirational messages
Current Events
Personal Stories
Educational posts
Moviational articles
Hot Topics
Beginner's Guides
Resources You've Created
Profile posts
Progression posts
Share Client Work
Reader Feedback Posts
Project Updates
In-depth Answers to Reader Questions
Image Collections
Product Use Tips
Your Response to Other Content on the Web
Pick of the Week
Client Achievement Videos
Sarcastic Posts
Your Food Diary
Product Reviews
What's in my Bag
Wish Lists
The Evolution of __
Budgeting post
Share your skills
Journal article
Something You Overcame
Role Model Spotlights
Write about your blog
Keep Track of Your Memories
Things You Love
Equipment Showcase
Share Your Creative Process
Team up with Other Bloggers
Current Obsessions
Pros and Cons


Tea Time No.002

Welcome back! It's been a good week. I was able to keep up with this Tea Time series. I hope you all are enjoying this extra behind the scenes look at my daily life. December started on Tuesday, and j can't believe we are that close to Christmas. Since December started that means a lot of bloggers started doing Vlogmas--a video series where you daily vlog all the way up to Christmas. Should I do it too?

I really wanted to get involved with this because I am so jealous of all of those people who can document their life in that way on a daily basis. I'm not committing to anything, but I figured I'd pop open a camera once or twice this week. We'll see how it goes. Make sure to follow me on YouTube if you want to keep up with my videos.

I actually skipped school this day. S called off work, so we chose to stay with family in our hometown for the extra day. I went shopping with my Mom and Dad, tried on wedding rings (hint, hint, S). I was so thankful for this extra day.

Normal school stuff. Nothing too exciting. I chose to work from home because I was a little bogged down after the eventful thanksgiving break. That's why I love my job--I have the option to be so flexible.

I got a ton done today!!! I've connected with a few fellow bloggers and am bringing you a brand new series to feature how blogging has changed their life, business, etc. If you want to be part of this series then leave a comment below and I'll shoot you an email.

I also did another new thing--every month I list my goals for the upcoming month and reflect on the past month. I also want to do a month thing where I share a desktop graphic. I saw another blogger doing this and I loved the idea. I'm also going to have more graphics come out throughout the month so make sure to keep an eye on my Pinterest and Twitter accounts.

Last week's Tea Time, I talked about how I didn't want to vlog--well guess what I started.... a vlog. No commitments though, no stress, just me wanting to talk for a day. I filmed it on my phone, so maybe this will be easy for me. Check it out HERE and follow me on YouTube!!

It's the freakin' weekend baby! I had a tough assignment due today, but I muscled through it like a beats--hopefully I get a decent grade. Also, I kept up the daily vlog again (watch it HERE), and published this new post about my journaling experience and why you should join me... check 'em out.

P.S. All of the images above come from Instagram!!


December Desktop Download

Introducing a new monthly thing! I've received some feedback about how some people really like the images that I find and use on my blog. I found this image and decided I wanted to turn it into an awesome background for my computers. I added a monthly stamp with my own DanyellBailey-flair! I hope you enjoy it.

I’ve got a few more holiday desktops in mind for the next couple weeks so keep an eye on my Pinterest and Twitter accounts!

What are your plans for this holiday season? Do you have a busy calendar like me? Let me know in the comment section below.
