
Journal Prompts #2

Journal Prompts #2

Two months ago I shared some journaling prompts (here) for those of you who don't really know what to write. These prompts were focused on newbies who might not know what to say to a book of blank pages. I'm going to continue targeting people who might need some inspiration to write some things down by creating these lists of journal prompts on a regular basis.

Journal Prompts #1

Journal Prompts #1

Journaling has become such a big part of my daily life. I literally journal about anything and everything. Sometimes I do a stream of consciousness where I just write everything that I am thinking in the moment, sometimes I write out all the tasks and events I completed during my day, and sometimes I ask questions and answer my own inquiries. For journal newbies it can be hard to get the hang of writing so freely--at least it was for me in the beginning--so sometimes it's good to have a little more structure. That's what these journaling prompts are for.

My Bullet Journal Daily Pages

My Bullet Journal Daily Pages

A bullet journal is basically any notebook you want turned into everything that you need. For me, it's a place to plan out my day, create to do lists, journal, and take notes. To you a bullet journal might be something completely different. That's the best part about bullet journaling--you make it work for you. This post is going to show you how I personally do my daily pages. I am hoping it inspires you! But by all means, don't forget that a bullet journal is YOURS and you should make it suit you.

My Bullet Journal

My Bullet Journal

My journal is my everything. It's my planner, my blog schedule, and my place to keep my thoughts and notes. I plan out videos in it, I write about my day, I keep track of memories, and I write out difficult times. My journal loosely follows the bullet journal system, but mostly it's created in my own system that works for me.