journaling routine

my new routine

my new routine

Routines are so important to me. Especially morning routines. They’re a way to kick start your day, keep you on track, and keep you focused on your goals day in and day out. Since moving back to Indiana, my routine has been all over the place—actually, it’s been nonexistent. But, I’ve been working really hard on trying to set a routine this past week, and this is what I’ve come up with.

My Bullet Journal Flip-Through

My Bullet Journal Flip-Through

I filled an entire notebook of memories, to-do lists, experiences, pictures, and more! My bullet journal is a cool way for me to keep a collection of all my things in one spot. I absolutely love flipping through this and seeing how everything has changes, stayed the same, and most importantly, how I've learned and grown.

My Bullet Journal Daily Pages

My Bullet Journal Daily Pages

A bullet journal is basically any notebook you want turned into everything that you need. For me, it's a place to plan out my day, create to do lists, journal, and take notes. To you a bullet journal might be something completely different. That's the best part about bullet journaling--you make it work for you. This post is going to show you how I personally do my daily pages. I am hoping it inspires you! But by all means, don't forget that a bullet journal is YOURS and you should make it suit you.

My Bullet Journal

My Bullet Journal

My journal is my everything. It's my planner, my blog schedule, and my place to keep my thoughts and notes. I plan out videos in it, I write about my day, I keep track of memories, and I write out difficult times. My journal loosely follows the bullet journal system, but mostly it's created in my own system that works for me.

My Journaling Routine

My Journaling Routine

The first step in journaling is finding a reason that journaling should be in your life. If your journal doesn't have a meaning or a purpose to you, then why are you even going to spend time doing it? I'm one of those people that has tried and failed at journaling over and over again, but when I finally figured out exactly what journaling meant to me I was able to write daily and create so much more positive energy because of it.