June 2021 Recap -- diabetes diagnosis, nursery updates, weddings, and more


You know it’s been a busy season when you’re writing the monthly recap half way into the next month. Whew! Time is just flying by. I have so much to tell you about, but honestly never enough time to fill you all in. That makes me think about how I just scheduled a coffee date with a friend, and I LITERALLY had to pick a specific time and put it down on my calendar and pencil her in. Honestly, that’s how it going to be from now on, haha, if you want to chat then you’re going to have to be added to my calendar.

Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about hiring an assistant. Especially for my LVP Studios photo & video business, but also someone who is okay with helping me out in my personal life from time to time too. With baby on the way and so many things happening in my life at once right now, I feel as though help would be really nice.

Anyways, this is me just filling you in on my crazy life. While I know I’m feeling swamped and behind and totally overwhelmed now, these posts always make me realize how much I actually accomplish in a month. I love that they allow me to recap those things and reflect on my wins. Let’s get into the June Recap!

Firstly, updates on baby boy!

I am current 32 weeks! I can’t believe in most likely less than 2 months our little baby boy is going to be joining us in the world. We are so ready to meet him, but I also feel so unprepared in certain aspects. I want to make sure that our nursery is ready, that we have all the diapers and wipes and clothes that we need, and basically all of the little things that you often forget that you need for a baby. That being said, we just want him here!!

Last month I talked more in detail about my gestational diabetes diagnosis. We’re still working on getting it under control with diet, and I’m right on the line regarding whether we need to start taking medicine or not. Both my primary doctor and the GD specialist aren’t sure what they want to do because I toe that line so closely. But I’ve been pushing to stay off medication for as long as we can. Obviously I want to do what’s best for baby, so we’re monitoring him and his growth, but I also try my best to keep things natural as much as possible.

I also have some exciting nursery updates to share with all of you! We have gotten a few registry items in the mail from friends and family, and we have been slowly starting to fill up his nursery. I know that he will not be sleeping in the nursery for probably the first few months of his life, but I still want to have everything ready mostly just as a place for his things to go.

We currently have the crib, a glider, some storage cubbies, our car seat, and quite a few clothing items. I feel a little overwhelmed by the things we need to purchase—like a dresser/changing table, diapers and wipes, bottles, etc. But I am hoping that we receive a lot of those things from our baby showers. I am so grateful that we have amazing friends and family who are supporting us during the start of this new journey.

Speaking of the nursery, Trevor surprised me one day by painting it!! It was such a nice surprise to come home after a long day of working a wedding to find that he had painted nearly the entire room. I had previously purchased the paint quite a while ago, but it wasn’t something I was comfortable doing because of the fumes. Trevor had mentioned that he would do it, and we left it at that (and I kind of forgot about it). Some coming home to that surprise was so nice. And he vlogged it too!!!!

Trevor’s mom came to visit

I’m going to be honest and tell you I almost forgot to include this in my recap. Not because I had forgotten that she came, but just that I had forgotten WHEN she came. We didn’t really take any pictures or do any vlogging during her stay (which is uncommon for us), but I just wanted to spend every moment with her during the time she was visiting.

We did some fun things, went shopping, and talked all of the time about the baby. The next time she is going to be coming to visit will be when baby boy makes his arrival, so it’s truly all we could think about some times!

Other than that, we’ve just been working weddings

This might very well be the most succinct and boring monthly update that we’ve given so far. Our life mostly consists of prepping for baby and then working weddings and family sessions. It’s busy season right now in the world of wedding photography and videography, so we’ve been pretty consumed by this for the last few months. You can even see some of our work showcased in previous monthly updates: March, April, May.


It’s crazy how life continues on even when you want things to slow down. Just imagine when we add a baby into the mix of all of these updates?!

I do want to say that this past month has made me ever so grateful! I was able to really realize how fortunate I am to have such an amazing job that I can work from home on most days, take the sessions and weddings that I want, charge the amounts that I need in order to survive, and truly just enjoy what I do on a daily basis. I am constantly thinking about how lucky I am to have found my passion in memory keeping, and how I get to help other people capture their life’s important moments every single day.

Reflection and recap posts like this are the best things to do for my soul. Whether we’re chatting about being busy, getting a diabetes diagnosis, sharing nursery updates, or raving about my amazing wedding, I love that I have you all to do this with and to relive these moments beside. Thank you for reading my blog!

A look at my camera roll: