
I'm a Vegetarian

I'm a Vegetarian

Did you know that? It's not something I've necessarily publicized a whole lot. I mean, if you're friends or family then you should know this. But it's not something I press on people via social media, my blog, YouTube, etc. It's not my style to push my ideals on other people--I always say, "you do you as long as you're happy, and you're not affecting others." But today I'm feeling brave, and I kind of just want to talk about my experiences.

May 28 - June 4 | Weekly Vlog

May 28 - June 4 | Weekly Vlog

Monday we arrived back to see that we had our birthday gifts at the front door. WE GOT A GOPRO!!! SURPRISE!!!! In our video, you will see that we had to try out the water-proofness of the GoPro so we tested it on my bath water. Well it works! And it's pretty cool footage--you should check it out.

May 7 - 14 | Weekly Vlog

May 7 - 14 | Weekly Vlog

This week seems like it was full of so many different things. I filled you in on our patio garden and the worms that are compositing. We also went for a run (which Skye LOVES to do). And then we ended the week by getting some shopping done so that I can finally start making Trevor's T-Shirt quilt.