hire a professional photographer

5 reasons to get family photos every year

5 reasons to get family photos every year

Lately I’ve been going through lots of family photo albums. I have been spending a lot more time at my Grandma’s house going through old shoeboxes full of pictures and albums that are literally falling apart at the seams. But without fail, whenever I go through these images or show them again to someone else, the world seems to light up one notch. Pictures evoke memories! Even if you can’t personally recall the moment, there’s something about a picture that tells a story of a past time that makes you smile no matter what.

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

Welcome to the ninth podcast! I hope you don’t mind we took last week off, but we’re back for another amazing podcast about Memory Keeping. We’ve talked about so much of the foundational elements of memory keeping already-- first we covered figuring out your why, then gave you the first few steps for getting started, we talked about our favorite apps that help with memory keeping, and even got down into the nitty gritty of backing up your data. Our last couple episodes were all about creating routines and catching up on past memories you haven’t documented yet. And most of these topics have been about things that you need to do to document your memories--but sometimes you don’t have to have all of the burden and pressure of doing these tasks yourself. This is when you hire professionals!