memory keeping

5 ways to share your memories with others

5 ways to share your memories with others

I am a firm believer that it is not enough just to document your own life and leave it at that. We need to be sharing our stories with others. This could be by means of scrapbooks, videos, family albums, and other heirloom items that get passed on from generation to generation. Sharing can also mean educating, posting to social media, and so much more.

quick tips for telling your story

quick tips for telling your story

Have you ever heard me say “your story matters”? If not, well maybe you’re new to my website, because I say it all the time! And it does—I truly believe that your story matters. Even if you think “oh, my life is so boring” or “no one is going to want to listen to what I have to say” or even the infamous “no one cares,” you’re wrong! Because your story is shaping the future, and the only way we can all learn about it, grow through it, and experience your truth is by hearing your story. So, let’s say it again, your story matters.

What is Memory Keeping?

What is Memory Keeping?

Memory keeping is any thing you do to document your current or past memories for you or someone else to review and reflect on later. This can be in the form of images, journaling, video, or anything else that evokes the recall of moments in our life. We live in a time when memory keeping is easier than ever. We can share the stories of our lives in ways previous generations never could. Social media, video creation, scrapbooking, journaling—these are all forms of memory keeping. Since most of us carry around these amazing devices in our pockets called smart phones we can capture stories and mini moments in an instant.

Mapping out your memory keeping end goals

Mapping out your memory keeping end goals

Are you in the beginning stages of getting started with Memory Keeping? Getting started and knowing where to go next can be one of the hardest parts. Figuring out what you want to create as your final product or end goal will guide you through the next steps of actually capturing those memories. If you don’t know what you’re memory keeping for then you aren’t going to know what to capture. The important step now is to figure out what you want to create and what you need to do to get there.

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping can be one of the most important tasks that you do before you get started in your memory keeping journey. It can feel daunting or intimidating, but it’s crucial in the process in order to better understand your driving factor for why you’re going to keep going on these tasks. Memory keeping can be time consuming, but having a clear reason why gives you the motivation to keep going.

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

Welcome to the ninth podcast! I hope you don’t mind we took last week off, but we’re back for another amazing podcast about Memory Keeping. We’ve talked about so much of the foundational elements of memory keeping already-- first we covered figuring out your why, then gave you the first few steps for getting started, we talked about our favorite apps that help with memory keeping, and even got down into the nitty gritty of backing up your data. Our last couple episodes were all about creating routines and catching up on past memories you haven’t documented yet. And most of these topics have been about things that you need to do to document your memories--but sometimes you don’t have to have all of the burden and pressure of doing these tasks yourself. This is when you hire professionals!

How to "Catch-up" on Memory Keeping (The Memories Podcast Ep. 008)

How to "Catch-up" on Memory Keeping (The Memories Podcast Ep. 008)

In this podcast episode, Katie and I are tackling the topic of catching up on Memory Keeping. We talk about some steps you can take to ‘work towards finishing it,’ give some tips on making the process easier, and also share a fun announcement to hopefully help keep you and other people who are catching up on memory keeping inspired and motivated.