3 reasons why

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping

Figuring out your “why” for memory keeping can be one of the most important tasks that you do before you get started in your memory keeping journey. It can feel daunting or intimidating, but it’s crucial in the process in order to better understand your driving factor for why you’re going to keep going on these tasks. Memory keeping can be time consuming, but having a clear reason why gives you the motivation to keep going.

3 reasons why you should memory keep

3 reasons why you should memory keep

I’m going to start this post out right off the bat by being kind of morbid—what do you want to leave behind when you die? I was listening to a podcast today about scrapbooking and memory keeping in general. They were talking about how they imagine their funeral; the room is filed with scrapbooks and all of the people that they love are flipping through each book and remembering the moments that they captured with bits of paper and tons of photos. This really got me thinking about why I memory keep. Because honestly, I memory keep for this exact reason. I memory keep with the intention of leaving something behind so that future family members can watch my videos, flip through my journals, and glance at my scrapbooks to remember who I was/am.