
Why telling stories with video is powerful

Why telling stories with video is powerful

Video is so powerful because it draws people in, holding their attention spans and making them feel invested in what’s happening. It’s impactful because it allows you to share emotions with others and show them certain aspects of your life. Telling stories using video allows whoever you’re sharing these video clips with to truly relate to you in a visual, auditory, and otherwise emotional way.

12 things video can capture but photos cannot (on your wedding day)

12 things video can capture but photos cannot (on your wedding day)

While I know that wedding photos are a must, there are certain things that photos just can’t capture the same way that videos can. The posed shots, beautiful still moments, and glimpses of emotion are perfectly captured by a good photographer. But your vows, the first dance, laughter and crying, the speeches given by the most important people to you; all of these things (and so much more) can’t be captured with photos.

How can Memory Keeping become a business?

How can Memory Keeping become a business?

Did you see that post title? I bet you're super curious about how you can turn your passion for capturing memories into a business. How can memory keeping become a business? There are multiple ways: you can start an online store, share your endeavors on YouTube, or even start a business that helps others memory keep too (and so much more). But that's where my focus is--helping others memory keep. I love helping others achieve their memory keeping goals, understand that this doesn't have to be something hard, and that their stories are meant to be captured, documented, and saved.

5 reasons you need a videographer at your wedding

5 reasons you need a videographer at your wedding

If you have a wedding coming up you probably have a checklist of vendors you need to book, things you need to buy, and hundred of to-do’s that you need to accomplish. One of those things on your list may be a wedding videographer. Now, you may be debating whether or not a wedding videographer is something that you need to be spending your money on, so I am going to tell you the five reasons that you really do need a videographer at your wedding.

May & June Recap

May & June Recap

You know how sometimes life just keeps going, and there’s so much on your to-do list that you want to do but don’t make time to do? Then often times we all just say, “well, oh well, guess that’s not happening!” We’ll I’m here to combat that—to do the things I want to do even if they’re a month or so late, but who cares!!! I set out to make these recap posts, and gosh darn it here we are doing just that (even if it’s a combination of two months haha).

3 reasons why you should memory keep

3 reasons why you should memory keep

I’m going to start this post out right off the bat by being kind of morbid—what do you want to leave behind when you die? I was listening to a podcast today about scrapbooking and memory keeping in general. They were talking about how they imagine their funeral; the room is filed with scrapbooks and all of the people that they love are flipping through each book and remembering the moments that they captured with bits of paper and tons of photos. This really got me thinking about why I memory keep. Because honestly, I memory keep for this exact reason. I memory keep with the intention of leaving something behind so that future family members can watch my videos, flip through my journals, and glance at my scrapbooks to remember who I was/am.

what's in my camera bag

what's in my camera bag

My camera bag is the bag that I take when I’m filming a wedding, the bag I grab when I want to have all my gear for shooting a more cinematic vlog, or the bag I keep at home simply to store all of my camera gear in so it’s always in one spot. I love this bag, like a lot; it’s the Kelly Moore Libby 2.0 vegan leather tote in Saddle. My mom got it for me during Christmas when it was on a reallllyy good sale, and I told her that she just couldn’t pass it up. This thing is currently my ride or die, so I thought I’d show you what I shove in it on a regular basis.