wedding planning

5 reasons you need a videographer at your wedding

5 reasons you need a videographer at your wedding

If you have a wedding coming up you probably have a checklist of vendors you need to book, things you need to buy, and hundred of to-do’s that you need to accomplish. One of those things on your list may be a wedding videographer. Now, you may be debating whether or not a wedding videographer is something that you need to be spending your money on, so I am going to tell you the five reasons that you really do need a videographer at your wedding.

our story scrapbook

our story scrapbook

The last week of June in 2017 I bought a Happy Planner with the intention of memory planning in it every week. That lasted about a month (which is actually pretty good, haha), but then life got in the way and I quit doing it. I quickly realized though that this was the perfect place for me to document the “story” of Trevor and I, and it became a place for me to scrapbook the weeks that were important to our relationship. This is the scrapbook of Our Story, the first year together before being married.

Wedding Planning

Wedding Planning

Did you see our Vlogmas Day 13 video? I gave you a quick update on our wedding planning process so far. I'm using the Eric Condren wedding planner to keep track of our money, our to-do's, our lists, and more! It's been really helpful through this entire process, and I feel like I've already accomplished so much.