happy planner

scrapbook update

scrapbook update

The other day on my Vlog Channel I talked all about my current scrapbooks and memory keeping projects. So, today I wanted to bring that conversation to my blog, as well, by talking about my current progress on our Honeymoon scrapbook. If you haven’t seen my husband and I’s very first scrapbook together— Our Story scrapbook—then I would highly recommend you read that first before checking out this scrapbook since the sentiments between the two correlate.

our story scrapbook

our story scrapbook

The last week of June in 2017 I bought a Happy Planner with the intention of memory planning in it every week. That lasted about a month (which is actually pretty good, haha), but then life got in the way and I quit doing it. I quickly realized though that this was the perfect place for me to document the “story” of Trevor and I, and it became a place for me to scrapbook the weeks that were important to our relationship. This is the scrapbook of Our Story, the first year together before being married.