
Vlogmas: Week 2

Vlogmas: Week 2

This past week was a little rough! But we posted videos almost every day like we promised! I am actually really impressed with how well we are keeping up with this, and it's inspiring me to make more videos for Trevor and I in the future. You can check out our entire playlist of videos here!

Vlogmas: Week 1

Vlogmas: Week 1

Vlogmas is going great! Check out our entire playlist of videos here. If you don't know what vlogmas is--essentially, its a YouTube thing where you film a new vlog every day until Christmas (or if you're feeling really go-getter, every day for all of December). Trevor and I decided to give this a go on our vlog channel and are absolutely loving it.

July 10 - 16 | Weekly Vlog

July 10 - 16 | Weekly Vlog

This weekend Trevor's family came to visit so we spent the weekend enjoying each other's company. We went to the zoo, ate good food, and laughed a lot. We hope you enjoy this video, but make sure you watch all of the way until the end.... because we have an EPIC announcement that I can't wait to share!!!

Apr 3 - 9 | Weekly Vlog

Apr 3 - 9 | Weekly Vlog

Another weekly vlog coming at you! We started filming this week on Friday again. This vlog was started when we received a few packages in the mail. We finally got our lil wormies (which is super exciting) for composting, and we also got our roller blades that Trevor and I bought one another for Easter (Happy Early Easter). We then had to wear them and try them out, but the night ended sooner than we planned when I had a little wipe out!!

Mar 13 - 19 | Weekly Vlog

Mar 13 - 19 | Weekly Vlog

This week we didn't get much filming done, but the filming we did do was pretty great! We kicked off our week on Friday where we took Skye on a walk and got some pizza for the KU game. KU won, so that made for a FUN night with a happy Trevor and SLIME! We started Saturday with some tennis and finished building our new fort. In our fort we watched the movie "USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage". Sunday Danyell got some much needed rest while Trevor played video games.