June 2021 Recap -- diabetes diagnosis, nursery updates, weddings, and more

June 2021 Recap -- diabetes diagnosis, nursery updates, weddings, and more

You know it’s been a busy season when you’re writing the monthly recap half way into the next month. Whew! Time is just flying by. I have so much to tell you about, but honestly never enough time to fill you all in. That makes me think about how I just scheduled a coffee date with a friend, and I LITERALLY had to pick a specific time and put it down on my calendar and pencil her in. Honestly, that’s how it going to be from now on, haha, if you want to chat then you’re going to have to be added to my calendar. Anyways, here’s the update from June!

Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes | What this means for me and baby?

Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes | What this means for me and baby?

In case you’ve missed my last couple of pregnancy updates that I’ve shared on our YouTube channel—I’ve recently been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. While I’m finally getting the hang of keeping it under control and managing it now after a few weeks, I want to share my experience so far and all of the details that I know about Gestational Diabetes and how it affects pregnancy.

What is vlogging?

What is vlogging?

I define vlogging as the means of capturing personal moments in video format. Often times vlogging is about carrying a camera around with you while you continue to live your normal every day life. It is the telling of your story from a first person point of view—meaning, you are leading the video yourself, creating the theme for the video, and editing the final vlog for yourself and others to view.

May 2021 Recap -- baby stuff, lots of weddings, and podcast breaks

May 2021 Recap -- baby stuff, lots of weddings, and podcast breaks

Whew! Another month down? Wow, things are flying by. I can’t believe that in 3 short months we will have a newborn. There’s so much to do and so little time. My wedding schedule during the month of May consumed me and felt like it took up all of my time (which weddings typically do). There’s the planning for a wedding, prepping for the big day, working all day on my feet, being exhausted the following day, and then spending the next day catching up before I have to do it all over again. If I were to describe my May that’s what I would tell you it felt like—exhausting.

We're having a boy! | Gender Reveal

We're having a boy! | Gender Reveal

Earlier this month we hosted a small get together with family and a few friends at my parents house for a gender reveal party. The plan was to have everyone over for a late lunch/dinner and share the sex of our baby. We chose to do the reveal kind of like we were high school recruits picking a college team. We placed a pink and a blue hat in front of each of us, then after opening the envelope and having our moment together, we then turned to our family and waved our hands over the hats before picking the color that corresponded to the stereotypical blue boy or pink girl. While Trevor and I were ecstatic to know the sex of our baby, we also were just really happy to know that our little one was doing well and appeared happy and healthy.

Pregnancy Update | half way done

Pregnancy Update | half way done

I can’t believe that my pregnancy is already over half way through. When I think about baby coming in September I feel like we are forever away, but then when I look at the fact that I am currently (at the time of writing this) 23 weeks pregnant I can’t help but have a mini heart attack and feel super unprepared. That being said, my pregnancy has been wonderful so far, so I can’t complain… but gosh do I wish it would just slow down for a moment.

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer/Videographer (The Memories Podcast Ep. 009)

Welcome to the ninth podcast! I hope you don’t mind we took last week off, but we’re back for another amazing podcast about Memory Keeping. We’ve talked about so much of the foundational elements of memory keeping already-- first we covered figuring out your why, then gave you the first few steps for getting started, we talked about our favorite apps that help with memory keeping, and even got down into the nitty gritty of backing up your data. Our last couple episodes were all about creating routines and catching up on past memories you haven’t documented yet. And most of these topics have been about things that you need to do to document your memories--but sometimes you don’t have to have all of the burden and pressure of doing these tasks yourself. This is when you hire professionals!